Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hannah & Alice Anne

Bright and early this morning I met some dear friends at the park for Alice Anne's 1 year portraits and some shots of the sweetest sisters ever together. I knew this session would be a breeze. First, I know the girls, so they are comfortable around me. Second, they are BEAUTIFUL! And third, they are the most polite and well behaved girls I have ever been around. Lucy and Hannah have been in playgroup together since they were babies. I often find myself wondering what I am doing wrong when I am around these two because they are just so loving and sweet to one another, and Hannah uses the most amazing manners you have ever heard. I need her to give Lucy a lesson or two on the sisterly love/manners department! As you can see, the session went exactly as I expected - the girls did awesome, and we have loads of precious images to prove it. So fun seeing you guys and Emily, I hope you took some pictures of Hannah with her pink ice cream topped with gummi bears and sprinkles! I am sharing a LOT of pics, so enjoy!

This series of together shots kill me they are so sweet. Their love for one another just pours out of them.

When you get this shot three clicks in, you know things are going to go well.

Yes, they are this beautiful!

She had just been a little stinker and pulled out Hannah's bow. She thought this was a very amusing game. Hannah didn't.


Jayme said...

Awwww...makes me want to have another girl! They are so sweet! Great job as always!

melissa said...

these might be some of your best... but that is so hard to say since they are always so great!

Erin said...

Great pictures!!!

Emily said...

Kelly, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these!!! They brought tears to my eyes! Thank you for capturing their personalities...they are perfect! I can't stop looking at them! You are so, so talented!

Amber said...

oooh kelly!!!!! these are my favorite!!!!! love them!

Grandpop and Gigi said...

Hi Kelly- You are an amazing photographer- always capturing the natural personalities of our sweet babies. Thank you ! Linda Belf

meredith said...

Kelly! I love the photos you took of the precious little Belf girls and I know Emily does too. I can't wait for our next appointment for some new pictures of our 2/3