Monday, June 15, 2009

Mackenzie and Sam

I met some dear friends of ours - Mike, Kelly, Mackenzie, and Sam - Saturday morning. It was a gorgeous day but turned really hot, really quickly. Thank goodness we were able to do our thing and get out of the heat. Mackenzie and Sam are truly beautiful children. They were awesome for me. I love how they all look summery and happy. Kelly, you did a great job putting together the clothes. Enjoy your peek!


Sue Duberstein said...

Beautiful pictures as always!!

Dawn said...

These are just gorgeous! I am soo serious...if you are ever in Seattle you have to let me know...I would LOVE for you to photograph my family!!!

Sherri said...

I just love checking out the photos from your sessions. I wish I could find someone with your talent to photo Grace. Maybe someday... It just amazes my how much you skills have evolved in just a couple of years.