Monday, October 5, 2009

Grace & Petunia

Here are a few of the photos from yesterday morning at the zoo with our dear friends Grace and Petunia. For those of you that don't read Susan's blog, she uses Petunia as her nickname instead of using her real name - I LOVE this nickname! It was so dark and dreary out, but we made the most of what we had. These two are VERY hard to get a smile out of!! They remind me of Lucy with their serious side. I love these girls so much. There is just something so special about the fact that they spent the first few months of their precious little lives with my Lucy. Wish we saw you all more.

Sherri - I am most definitely counting this as a smile!! It might be a small one, but it is a grin.

Sweet Petunia kissed the caterpillar that I found for her! She carries a purse and her baby with her all of the time. So cute!


Susan said...

Oh, my goodness! Those two girls were just so stone-faced. I don't know what to do with them. :-)

I love the second one of Gracie - so pretty. Her little outfit was really sweet.

My favorite Petunia shot is the one of her standing on the hay -- with her bouquet of leaves and drooping socks. Gotta love the romantic pic of her and her caterpillar. Whatever possessed that child to kiss the caterpillar is beyond me.

Kelly, I know these girls made you work super hard that morning. You would think they could have granted you at least a smile or two, if not huge grins. Thank you so very much for the photo session. You're the best! It was wonderful seeing you and your family again.

Sherri said...

Petunia kissing the caterpillar! That is a great one. And you do get credit for a grin. And the second one of Grace just took my breath away. Thank you so very much for taking these. It meant so much to have you photographing Grace. It was great to see you. Maybe we can meet you in LR in the spring.

Nicki said...

The epitome of cuteness! Is Petunia itty bitty? She looks so tiny but without seeing her next to Grace, it's hard to measure.

Kelli said...

So much cuteness!

And yes, when I met Petunia she was the itty-ist bitty-ist sweetest little thing I have ever laid eyes on! My bet is Aiden is taller than her now!

Mab said...

LOVE these pics.........awesome work! (as always!) I know Susan and Sherri are quite the proud moms!